For some item types, a grader needs to manually score the participants' answers. This is the case for:
- item types that cannot be scored automatically:
- Canvas
- File upload
- Open question (without keywords)
- Interpreting
- Recording
- item types that can be scored automatically, but for which the scoring is not completely reliable:
- Conjugate verbs
- Fill gaps
- Fill gaps on background
- Journal
- Math
- Open question (with keywords)
- Revise text
When the grading process is completed, the participants' final score will be visible in their report.
- For an assignment to be shown in the Grading module, the option Enable grading for this assignment must be enabled at the assignment level.
- Access to the Grading module requires the Grader role. As an administrator, you can easily allow external graders to work with the assessmentQ Grading module by assigning the Grader role to their account.
Scoring mechanisms
There are three types of manual scoring mechanisms:
- Manual scoring
- Manual scoring with criteria
- Manual scoring with a rubric
These scoring mechanisms only apply to item types that cannot be scored automatically. More information, see Selecting a scoring mechanism for manual scoring.
It is always the author who selects the desired scoring mechanism when creating the item. As a grader, you automatically use the scoring mechanism that is selected by the author.
Grading the participants' answers
To grade the participants' answers, proceed as follows:
- Go to Grading > Assignments.
- Navigate to the answer you want to grade. More info, see Navigating in the Grading module.
Result: In the left part of the screen, you see the participant's answer. In the right part of the screen, you see the grading panel.Tip: If you want to see the question, you can click View in player above the participant's answer in the left part of the screen.
- Enter your score in the grading panel:
- In case of manual scoring (without criteria or rubric), enter your grade for the answer.
- In case of manual scoring with criteria, enter your grade for each criteria.
- In case of manual scoring with a rubric, select the performance level for each criteria.
In case score ranges have been set for the performance levels, you additionally need to enter the scores.Tip: Click on Show full rubric for a full screen view of the criteria and performance levels.
- In case of manual scoring (without criteria or rubric), enter your grade for the answer.
- Optionally, enter feedback and internal comments. More info, see Adding feedback and internal comment below.
- Click Confirm and next.
Result: You automatically navigate to the next answer that needs grading. - Repeat steps 3-5 until you have assigned a score to all answers.
- In the top-right corner, change the status of the assignment to Grading completed.
Result: The scores will be available in the assessmentQ reports. Participants will be able to see their scores provided they are given access to their results on the assessmentQ portal or when reviewing their assignment.
Adding feedback and comment to the participants' answers
To add feedback and / or internal comments to the participants' answers, proceed as follows:
- Go to step 3 in Grading the participants' answers.
- If you want to add:
- general feedback on the participants' answer, click the Feedback button at the bottom left and enter your feedback in the text field below.
- specific feedback per grading criterion, click on the feedback icon next to the criterion of your choice and enter your feedback in the Feedback for this criterion pop-up.
Note: Feedback per criterion is only available for items with grading criteria.
- an internal comment, click the Internal comment button at the bottom left and enter your feedback in the text field below.
- general feedback on the participants' answer, click the Feedback button at the bottom left and enter your feedback in the text field below.