When you have created an assignment, you can deliver it to your participants. assessmentQ supports multiple ways of delivering an assignment, such as:
Schedules on the assessmentQ portal
The assessmentQ portal home page contains all the schedules for a participant. Each schedule consists of one or multiple assignments.
The participants have access to the portal home page after signing in to the assessmentQ portal.
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Schedules with a sign-in code
Using a sign-in code, participants get access to one schedule. The schedule can contain one or more assignments.
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Sign-in code schedules are not displayed on the portal home page.
Schedules via LTI
When an LTI integration is set up between your assessmentQ environment and your LMS platform, you can start assessmentQ assignments from your LMS using LTI links.
When the users click on the link, they will automatically be authenticated in assessmentQ and they will start the assignment. The results are automatically returned to your LMS.
Schedules with a direct link
The participants get direct access to one schedule or to the assignment in the schedule by clicking on a link (for example, via your intranet, a third-party platform, e-mail, etc.).
The direct link is only accessible for users who have an account in assessmentQ. If they are not signed in, the users will first have to sign in (via SSO or with their e-mail address and password).
Schedules with a direct link are not displayed on the portal home page.
Access codes
An access code is a unique code that provides direct access to a session of a specific participant for a specific assignment.
Note: In the course of 2025, access codes will be replaced by sign-in codes.
Edumail campaigns
Using Edumail campaigns, you can deliver your questions in the participant's mailbox every day or every few days.
Offline packages
An offline package allows you to deliver an assessmentQ exam in without any Internet connection.
When an integration is set up between your assessmentQ environment and your LMS platform, you can make your assessmentQ assignments available in your LMS.
At present, assessmentQ offers an integration with Cornerstone.
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