What is an Edumail campaign?
By means of an Edumail campaign, you can send assessmentQ exercises to your participants:
- An easy-to-use wizard takes you through the steps to create your e-mail campaign.
- You can customize the mail template to the look and feel of your company / organization.
- When making an exercise, the participants receive immediate feedback.
- You can view (with the necessary permissions) the participants' results in the reporting module.
Note: Edumail campaings are not supported in Internet Explorer 11.
Before starting with Edumail campaigns
Before you start to create an email campaign:
- Create and validate the publication(s) you want to use in your email campaign.
Note: These publications should contain multiple choice questions only without audio files, video files or attached documents.
- Ask your assessmentQ administrator to create specific user groups for your campaign.
Accessing Edumail campaigns
Proceed as follows to view your assessmentQ Campaigns:
- Go to Scheduling > Edumail campaigns.
- Click on Sheduling.
Result: The assessmentQ Campaign overview is shown.
Note: You need appropriate rights to have access to assessmentQ. To receive access to assessmentQ, contact Televic Education via support@televic-education.com or contact your assessmentQ account manager.
Creating a campaign template
To create a template for your e-mail campaign, proceed as follows:
- Open the Templates tab under Edumail.
Result: The Templates overview is shown. - Click the Add button at the top right.
Result: The template settings are shown. - Fill in the settings for your template:
- Name of your template (at the top)
- Header settings
Note: The preferred width and height for the header image is 500 * 125 pixels. If smaller than 500 pixels, the image will be centered.
If higher than 125 pixels, the image will automatically be rescaled to 125. - Footer settings:
Note: The preferred height for the logo is 55 pixels.
If higher than 55 pixels, the image will automatically be rescaled to 55.
- Link color:
This color will be used for links in the mail (if any). - Click Save at the top right.
Creating an Edumail campaign
To create an e-mail campaign, open the Campaigns tab and click the Add button at the top right.
Result: The campaign wizard is opened. You will be guided through the procedure in 5 steps:
- Step 1 - Properties: Fill in the campaign properties.
- Campaign name: this name will be shown in the Edumail campaigns overview.
- Subject: select Same as campaign name if you want the e-mail subject to be identical to your campaign name.
Else, enter the e-mail subject of your choice. - From name, From e-mail address and Reply-to e-mail
Note: DNS configuration is required to avoid e-mails sent from your domain to be marked as spam. For more information, please contact Televic Education via support@televic-education.com.
- Language: select the interface language for your campaign.
- Template: select the template of your choice.
- Attempts: select 1 if you want the user to answer only once to the questions in the e-mail campaign, else select Unlimited.
- Click Next at the bottom right.
Result: You are now in Step 2 - Content of the campaign wizard. - Step 2 - Content: Add assessmentQ publications to your e-mail campaign.
- In the column at the left you see the validated assessmentQ publications that can be used in an e-mail campaign.
Click the publication of your choice or use control-click to select multiple publications.
Tip: Enter (part of) the name of the publication in the search field at the top of the column to filter the publications.
- Click if you want to add the publications you selected or click to add all publications that are listed in the left column.
Result: The publication(s) are added to the column at the right.
The questions in these publications will be used in your e-mail campaign. - Click Next at the bottom of the page.
Result: You are now in Step 3 - Participants of the campaign wizard. - Step 3 - Participants: Add assessmentQ user(s) and / or user group(s) to your e-mail campaign.
In the column at the left you see the assessmentQ users and user groups in your channel.
Click the user or user group of your choice or use control-click to select multiple users and / or user groups.Tip: Enter (part of) the name of the user of user group in the search field at the top of the column to filter the users.
- Click if you want to add the users you selected or click to add all the users.
Result: The selected users and / or user group(s) are added to the column at the right.
These users will receive your e-mail campaign. - Click Next at the bottom of the page.
Result: You are now in Step 4 - Timing of the campaign wizard. - Step 4 - Timing: Set the timing for your e-mail campaign.
Start date: the first mail will be sent on this date.
- Daily: every day or every few days on weekdays or working days at the hour of your choice.
- Weekly: every week or every few weeks on all weekdays or a selection of weekdays at the hour of your choice.
- Campaign end
- On a specific end date
Tip: If there are not enough questions available in the publication(s) for the selected frequency and duration of the e-mail campaign, the e-mail campaign will stop before the end date is reached.
- If all questions have been sent
- On a specific end date
- Click Next at the bottom of the page.
Result: You are now in Step 5 - Overview of the campaign wizard. - Step 5: Verify the settings of your campaign and click Finish at the bottom right.
Sending a test e-mail
Proceed as follows to send a test e-mail:
- Open the Campaigns tab.
- Click the icon next to the campaign for which you want to send a test e-mail and select Send a test e-mail.
- Enter the e-mail address(es) of the persons to whom you want to send a test e-mail and click Send.
Result:- The test e-mail is sent to the persons whose e-mail address you added.
- The subject of the e-mail shows (test) at the end.
- The e-mail contains the first question of the first publication that is added to the e-mail campaign.
- The answer to this question is not saved and is therefore not shown in the assessmentQ reporting.
Editing an Edumail campaign
Once you've created a campaign, it is possible to edit this campaign while or before it's running.
- Click onnext to the campaign you want to edit. Click on Edit.
- Follow the 5 steps of creating an e-mail campaign again and edit when necessary.
Editing participants
In AssessmentQ it is possible to edit the participants of an a campaign while it's running.
- You can add entirely new participants by editing the campaign and add them under Participants.
These new participants will receive a mail notification as well. - You can unsubscribe and resubscribe users again.
- Click on the campaign you want to edit.
- To unsubscribe users, click on and Unsubscribe will appear.
- To resubscribe users, click on and Resubscribe will appear.
- Click on the campaign you want to edit.
Generating a report for an Edumail campaign
You can generate a standard report for the assignment(s) in your email campaign, see Opening an assignment report.
You can also generate an advanced report in which you filter on the assignment(s) and the users and / or user groups in your campaign for a specific period, see