Oral exams are created with the Oral item type. In an oral item, both screen and webcam recordings are made so that the participant's answer is fully recorded.
Oral exams are taken by means of access codes. The participant has to go through a system check at the start of the oral exam.
Oral exams can't be scored automatically. It is the responsibility of the scheduler to prepare grading tasks for the graders.
In the assessmentQ grading tasks for oral exams:
- the participant's webcam and screen recordings can be consulted by the grader to determine the participant's score.
- synchronous (live) as well as asynchronous grading is supported
- multiple graders are supported
- grading by means of a rubric is supported
Note: The Oral exam is a closed beta assessmentQ feature. If you are interested in organising oral exams, contact Televic Education via
The process of organising an oral exam includes the following steps: