In this article
In this article you find the following information:
- About schedules with a sign-in code
- Creating a schedule with sign-in codes
- Exporting schedule sign-in codes to Excel or PDF
- Accessing a schedule with a sign-in code
About schedules with a sign-in code
As a scheduler, you can choose to deliver your assignments to your participants via schedules with sign-in codes.
Schedules with sign-in codes are very similar to portal schedules, except that they are not shown on the portal home page and the participants do not have to sign in. The participants have direct access to a schedule by entering their individual sign-in code.
The process of working with schedules with a sign-in code typically includes the following steps:
- As a scheduler, you create a schedule with a sign-in code:
- You define the availability period of the schedule and optionally the review period.
- You add the participants (individual users and/or groups).
- You add the assignment(s).
- You can optionally publish the results on the participant's portal.
- As a scheduler, you export and distribute the sign-in codes to your participants.
- The participants enter their code in the assessmentQ code page:
- Their schedule is opened and they can take their assignment(s).
- Depending on the schedule settings, they can review their assignments and/or view their results after finishing the assignments. For more information, see below.
In this document, you find all information specific to schedules with a sign-in code. For more general information about managing your schedules (such as editing your schedule, publishing the results for a schedule, finishing a schedule, etc.), see Schedules.
Creating a schedule with sign-in codes
Proceed as follows to create a schedule with sign-in codes:
- Go to Scheduling > Schedules.
Result: You see your schedule overview page. - Click on + Add at the top right and select the delivery type With a sign-in code.
Result: The schedule detail page is shown. - Add the title of your schedule in the breadcrumb trail. Note that this title will be visible for the participants.
- Optionally, add one or more tags to your schedule in the properties pane at the right.
Note: As a scheduler, you can use the tags to filter your schedules in your schedule overview. The tags will not be shown to the participants.
- Define the timing of your schedule. Select a start and an end date. During this period, the participants can take the assignments in the schedule.
- Add one or more assignments to the schedule.
Notes:- You can only add approved or live assignments to a schedule.
- The assignments are added to the schedule in the order in which you select and add them.
- The order of the assignments in a schedule determines the order in which they will be shown to the participants. If you want to change the order in which the assignments should appear to the participants, see Changing the order of assignments in a schedule.
- Add users or groups to your schedule by clicking on +Add user or +Add group in the Participants tab.
Optionally make the results available.
Note: If you don't see the Results lane, it means that the Results setting has not been activated for your assessmentQ environment. Please contact your assessmentQ administrator.
- Click on Publish in the top right corner to publish the schedule.
Result: Sign-in codes are created for the participants in the schedule. You can now export the codes and distribute these to your participants, see below.
Exporting schedule sign-in codes to Excel or PDF
As a scheduler, you can export schedule sign-in codes to Excel or PDF, so you can easily distribute them to your participants.
Export to Excel
The Excel export contains all information that is available in the sign-in codes overview page of your schedule. By default, the sign-in codes overview shows the sign-in code, the participant's first name, last name, email address, groups and the creation date of the sign-in code.Tip: If you want to customise the information that is exported, use the table icon
in the sign-in codes overview page and (de)select the columns of your choice.
Export to PDF
The PDF export contains 5 sign-in codes per page by default. For each sign-in code, the schedule name and the participant name are displayed. You can optionally:- Add an overview page with all sign-in codes of the selected schedule
- Add the sign-in code page URL
- Add the participant's e-mail address
- Change the number of codes per page
Proceed as follows to export schedule sign-in codes:
- Go to Scheduling > Schedules.
Result: You see your schedule overview page. - Search and/or filter the schedule for which you want to export the sign-in codes. More information.
- Select the schedule of your choice.
Result: The schedule detail page is shown. At the top of the page, you see the sign-in codes bar. - If you want to export all sign-in codes for the selected schedule, click Export to Excel or Export to PDF at the top.
If you want to export a selection of sign-in codes for the selected schedule:
Click View at the top right.
Result: You see all the sign-in codes and participants for the selected schedule. - Select the participants of your choice.
- Click the Excel or the PDF icon at the bottom of the page.
when ready.
Click View at the top right.
Accessing a schedule with a sign-in code
When you have created a schedule with sign-in codes and you have distributed the sign-in codes to your participants, the participants can access their schedule by entering their personal code via the code page URL of your assessmentQ environment: https://<subdomain>
Participants can always use their sign-in code. The schedule settings such as the availability period, the review period, and the results settings, determine what the participants will see after entering their sign-in code.
If the code is valid, the participants will see their assignment(s) on the schedule detail page.
- When the code is used within the availability period of the schedule, the participants will be able to take the assignments in their schedule. Exams can be taken only once. Exercises can be taken multiple times.
- In case a review period has been set and the code is used within the review period, the participants can use their sign-in code to view their assignments in read-only mode.
- Depending on the results settings of the schedule, the participants will be able to see the results for the assignments in their schedule.
Note: The schedule detail page is automatically refreshed every 30 seconds so the buttons for starting or reviewing the assignments and consulting the results become active or inactive automatically depending on the schedule time settings.
If the code is invalid, the participant will see an error message. Sign-in code are invalid when:
- the participant uses an incorrect code.
- the schedule has been archived or deleted.
Note: A participant can enter a maximum of 10 incorrect sign-in codes before being locked out for a certain period.