In these release notes
assessmentQ 2025.01 contains the following new features and improvements:
- Item analysis expansion
- Schedules with a direct link
- Progress and item numbering on assignment level
- Enhanced support for right-to-left languages
- Randomising the order of choices in multiple choice questions
- Optimized visualisation of the multiple choice matrix
- Reset of the login attempts
- Other improvements
- Removed features
Item analysis expansion
The module Item analysis has been thoroughly expanded:
- Actionable insights are given through psychometric values. Psychometric values that have been added include statistical measures such as the P-value, RIT- and RIR-values, the A-value, Cronbach's alpha, and standard deviation.
- A new assignment analysis view has been added that aggregates all data at the level of the assignment.
- The entire module has undergone a visual update, with a tabbed view for assignment and item analysis and quite some changes in the item detail pages.
Schedules with a direct link
A new delivery type has been added to the Schedules module:
As a scheduler, you can now make your schedule available to your assessmentQ users via a direct link (for example, via your intranet, a third-party platform, e-mail, etc.). You can either:
use a direct link to a schedule.
When clicking on the link, the participants will have direct access to the schedule detail page from which they can start their assignment(s). - use a direct link to an assignment in a schedule.
When clicking on the link, the assignment in the schedule is immediately opened in the player.
The direct link is only accessible for users who have an account in assessmentQ. If they are not signed in, the users will have to sign in first.
Note: The direct link to an assignment in a schedule will replace the current direct link to an assignment. More information will follow and there will be enough time to make the transition. We recommend that you start using the direct link to a schedule already.
Progress and item numbering on assignment level
Until today, the progress and item numbering on assignment level was only shown in case of free navigation.
Starting from this release:
- It is also possible to show the progress on assignment level for assignments with linear navigation and assignments with free navigation within parts.
- Showing the progress is also supported for adaptive assignments, provided that all possible paths in the assignment contain the same number of items.
- Additionally, it also becomes possible to show the item numbering on assignment level for assignments with linear navigation and assignments with free navigation within parts.
- Showing the item numbering is now also supported for adaptive assignments (independent of the number of items in the paths).
You find the progress and numbering options in the assignment template under the Navigation tab:
Enhanced support for right-to-left languages
The support for right-to-left (RTL) languages has been improved considerably. Starting from assessmentQ 2025.01, the writing direction is automatically detected for most of the assessmentQ item types.
The writing direction changes according to the language in which the content of the item is written in both the backoffice and in the player. This applies not only to the content blocks, but also to the answer block.
Example in the backoffice:
Example in the player:
Note: The writing direction is not updated automatically in existing items. For the writing direction to be adjusted, the author should update the items in the item bank.
Randomising the order of the choices in multiple choice questions
Up to now, randomising the order of the choices in multiple choice or multiple response questions was only possible on the level of the assignment.
Starting from assessmentQ 2025.01, an author can determine the order of the choices of multiple choice questions on the level of the item.
In the assignment template, the author (or administrator) can now choose:
- to keep the choice order as it is set in the multiple choice items.
- to overrule the choice order for all multiple choice questions in the assignment.
More information
Optimised visualisation of the multiple choice matrix
As an author, you will notice that the block options of the Multiple choice matrix have been updated to optimise the visualisation of the matrix direction. For example:
- The Matrix direction option is now shown at the top of the layout options.
- The Thick border options dynamically change based on the Matrix direction.
The participants will now more easily differentiate the row and column direction in a matrix, enhancing its overall clarity. For example:
- In case of One answer per row, the rows are separated with a border (and there is no longer a border to separate the columns).
- In case of One answer per column, the columns are separated with a border (and there is no longer a border to separate the rows).
- The alternating background colour (if activated) now follows the Matrix direction.
Reset of login attempts
For security reasons, there is a maximum number of login attempts in assessmentQ. After 10 incorrect login attempts, the participant will see a notification and will have to wait 1 hour before logging on becomes possible again. Up to now, it was not possible to reset the number of login attempts for a participant.
As of assessmentQ 2025.01, the failed sign-in attempts are added to the user overview. As an administrator, you can sort by the failed sign-ins and reset the login attempts for a user, so that the participant does not have to wait longer to log in.
Other improvements
Column selector in items overview in assignment
As an author, you can now select the columns that you want to see in the items overview of your assignment.
In addition, extra item properties have been added such as the item time limit, the use of supporting tools, etc. This will allow you to do a quick check on the items in your assignment.
More information
Enlarged dropzones in drag and drop in columns
The dropzones are higher by default. In addition to this, the height automatically adjusts with the addition of drag elements by participants.
Undo and redo keyboard shortcuts in the item bank
As an author, you can now undo or redo your changes by means of the keyboard shortcuts Control-Z and Control-Y.
Insertion of LaTeX formulas
As an author, you will notice that LaTeX formulas are now by default inserted inline when you add a LaTeX formula to your item.
Filtering by ongoing session in reports
As a group responsible, you can now filter by the session status Ongoing sessions in your session reports.
Edit live assignment options
As an author, you can now update the name, the description (in the Overview tab) and the results options (in the Results tab) of a live assignment.
Optimisation of the export of score reports
To optimise the export of (large) score reports, a separate sheet Score report detail has been added in the exported Excel with the name and score details of the parts and items in the assignment. This data is removed from the Score report sheet.
Expansion of session history
When a participant clicks on the Reset button in the player, this is now added to the session history.
Resizing columns in the backoffice
As a backoffice user, you can now resize the columns in all table overviews in the backoffice.
Removed features
Item analysis
- Item analysis is available for exams with a fixed item selection only. Exercises, on the fly and adaptive exams have been removed from the Item analysis module.
Direct link to an assignment
- The direct link to an assignment has been removed from the assignments module and has been moved to the schedules with a direct link.
- Existing direct links to assignments will continue to work. However, we recommend switching to direct links to a schedule instead of direct links to an assignment. Schedules with a direct link offer a number of advantages, such as the possibility to show the results to participants.
Assignment template settings
- The assignment template settings for showing the progress and the item numbering have been removed from the Layout tab. You will now find these settings in the Navigation tab in the assignment template.
Exports to Excel of score reports
- Redundant data has been removed from existing worksheets and is now compiled in the new worksheet Score report detail, see Other improvements above.