New option for access code workflow
Until now, you could apply a time restriction for users to enter an access code.
Starting from 3.28 you can also apply a fixed end time for the session itself. When this option is checked, the Edumatic player will close at the set time even if no time limitation or a larger time limitation was set in the Edumatic publication.
Suppose students/candidates have to take an exam for which a time limitation of 2 hours is set in the Edumatic publication, but the fixed end time for the sessions is set on 11:00:
- Students/candidates who enter their code at 9:00, will see a time limitation of 2 hours.
- Students/candidates who arrive late and enter their code only at 9:30, will see a time limitation of 1,5 hour.
In this case, all sessions will be closed at exactly the same time, namely 11:00.
This will also be the case if no time limitation is set in the publication itself.
In case a time limitation of 1 hour is set in the Edumatic publication and the fixed end time for the sessions is set on 11:00, the sessions will close 1 hour after the starting time provided the students/candidates started before 10:00. If started after 10:00, all sessions will close at 11:00.
A new API call to set a fixed session end time has been added to the Edumatic Open API.
Support for Access and Publisher files
Two new file types have been added for upload as a “media element” in the items:
Possibility to change the titles of the timers
As an author, you can now change the titles for the component, example and publication timers.
You find this option in the player template settings Customize titles, help & alerts:
When you change a title in the player template, the corresponding title will be shown in the Edumatic player:
Preventing access to example items
Until now users always had access to the example items even when the time limitation on example items had expired.
A new option is now added to the player template allowing you to prevent the users to have access to the example items once the time limitation on examples has expired.
You find this option in the player template Settings on publication level: