New look and feel for access code page
In Edumatic V3.27 we released a new look and feel for the Edumatic portal and player. In the current release (V3.29) the Edumatic access code page has been refreshed.
If you are interested in using a background image on your access code page, please send us your image ( and we will update the skin of your access code page.
Overview of item usage in publications
As an author, you can now see in which publications an item is used.
Open the Properties tab of the item:
- The validated publications in which the item is used are listed at the bottom of the page.
- Please notice that the item popularity is now shown above the publications list.
Multiple item selection in workspace
As an author, you can now select multiple items or folders in the workspace.
To select multiple items or folders:
- hold the SHIFT key and click the items or folders of your choice
- hold the CTRL key and click the items or folders of your choice
The following operations are supported for a multi-selection of items or folders:
- Cut
- Copy
- Delete
- Paste
Optimizations for access codes printouts
Starting from Edumatic V3.29:
- The printout of the access codes will show the logo of your organization / company.
- The printout of the access codes will be sorted alphabetically on the user name.
Support for SCORM packages
As an author, you can now upload a SCORM package in an Edumatic publication: see Creating a SCORM Publication.
An Edumatic publication containing a SCORM package can be made available to the end user via the supported Edumatic workflows within your organization:
- by adding the publication to a schedule on the Edumatic portal.
- by creating access codes for this publication
- by API call or SSO link
In the Edumatic Reporting module you can see the results obtained by the user.
Note that for a publication containing a SCORM package only the total score is shown.
Contact us ( if you want to use SCORM packages in Edumatic.
Minor changes and optimizations
Edumatic V3.29
- The link to the old Flash portal has been removed from the Edumatic backoffice. When clicking on Portal, you will now be redirected to the new HTML5 portal.
- Optimization for localization of “hint” in French and Dutch interface.
- As an author you can now change the label for ‘help’ in the player template settings.
- Optimization for bullets in open question.
- Optimization in Firefox for scrolling in item.
Management module Users:
- Management > Users: Optimization for user import
- The user access code field is no longer shown when creating a new user.
- Optimization in component overview for long component names.
- Feedback is now shown for incorrect answers in drag & drop in columns.
- Automatic rescaling when using video in order vertically elements.
- Optimization for hint and layout in dialogue question.
- Styling optimization of Play button in video player.
- Various layout optimizations for:
- fill gaps on background.
- drag & drop text on background.
- feedback in translation questions.
- diversity timer.
- admin page
- Optimization for correction icon in session view in standard reporting.
- Optimization for diacritic signs in CSV export.
- The session end time instead of session start time is now pushed to CSV.
- Session report – Item score is now only shown in the score table at the left. It has been removed from the item view at the right.
- The CSV export now also contains component scores.
- Answer is now shown correctly in session reporting in case of several correct answers in drag & drop text on background.
Patches V3.28
- Optimization for PDF export of access codes.
- Resume for sessions with fixed end time.
- Optimization for applying extra session time via admin page for sessions with fixed end time.
- Optimization for reviewing sessions with fixed end time.
- Optimization for playing audio files in AVIDAnet browser.
- Expanded support for email domains (like .brussels, .vlaanderen) in user accounts.