assessmentQ 1.4 contains the following new features and improvements:
- Offline packages
- Offline player
- Item bank improvements:
- About dialog
Offline packages
An offline package is a downloadable application (in .exe format) that allows you to make assessmentQ publications available to end users and collect their results when there is no internet at all.
An offline package contains:
- One or more exams (publications) for a number of users
- Access codes for these users
- The offline assessmentQ player (see below)
After distributing the package to all exam PCs in a computer room or test center, your students, candidates or employees can complete a digital exam without any kind of internet connection.
When an end user starts an offline package, he will see the access code page, and can start the exam by entering his access code. Results are stored in an encrypted .aqr file on the exam PCs. When the exams are finished, supervisors can collect the result files to be uploaded to assessmentQ. The reports for offline packages are identical to the reports for online exams in assessmentQ.
Generating and uploading offline packages is done through the assessmentQ API. Although you cannot generate packages or upload results via the assessmentQ backoffice, you can download the generated packages there, see which students are linked to a certain package, and whether or not their results have already been uploaded.
List of all generated offline packages
List of all users for a specific package, their exam and whether or not results have been uploaded already
Offline player
When you start the offline player, you will see the access code page.
When you enter a correct access code, you will see the player in the skin selected for the publication.
When you finish your exam, you end up on the access code page again and cannot reuse the same access code anymore. You will also see an .aqr file containing your results in the folder where the .exe file was started.
Re-ordering items in a case
So far, re-ordering items in a case was not possible in assessmentQ. This useful feature is now available in assessmentQ 1.4.
When you open a case, you will not only see the initial information page, but also how many items the case contains.
By clicking the Re-arrange button on top of the case items, you can re-arrange items in the case by dragging and dropping them in the desired order.
Toggling an information page to any item type
You could already toggle any item type to an information page (this removes the interaction block from the item type). Now you can also change an information page into any other item type:
About dialog
assessmentQ 1.4 contains an About dialog window so you can see which version of the application you are using, and see a link to the terms of use of the application. You can access this dialog via Help > About assessmentQ: