Operating system
- Windows 7 Professional - 32/64 bit.
- Windows 8 Professional - 32/64 bit.
- Windows 8.1 Professional - 32/64 bit.
- Windows 10 Professional – 32/64 bit.
Proxy settings
- All PC’s can be installed with DHCP.
- Fixed IP addresses are not necessary.
- Maximum depends on transmitted information.
f.e. absense of audio/video ==> sharing teacher screen = maximum bandwidth needed ==> screen resolution 1920x1080 ==> +/- 3Mbps
Minimal hardware requirements
Use the following standard: https://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu_list.php
- Teacher PC: CPU benchmark > 4000
- Student PC: CPU benchmark > 2000
For HD video streaming
- Teacher/student PC: CPU benchmark > 8000
Extra specs
- Memory: 4GB
- Hard drive: 80GB
Firewall settings
- Server/client-based network topology.
- Or the following ports open for communication between Teacher PC and Student PC: