In this article
In this article you find the following information:
- Exporting and importing items for translation
- Exporting and importing items for cross-channel sharing
- Importing items from a QTI 2.1 package
- Importing items from a PDF (beta feature)
- Importing Multiple choice and Multiple response items in the item bank
Exporting and importing items for translation
When you create items in multiple languages, we recommend creating items in one language first, exporting them for translation, and importing them again after translation.
The actual translation can take place in so-called CAT tool, like SDL Trados, memoQ, or Matecat, as these use translation memories to increase the consistency of your translation. These tools typically work with XLIFF files, a format that is very suitable for translation.
In assessmentQ, you can export items to XLIFF format, and import the translated XLIFF file again.
Note: This option isn't activated by default in assessmentQ. To activate this option in your channel, please contact your account manager (
Exporting to XLIFF
Proceed as follows to export a folder to an XLIFF file:
- Go to Authoring > Items.
- Click on the three dots next to the folder of your choice.
- Click on Export and select XLIFF.
Result: A dialog window appears. - Choose the source and target language for translation.
- Click OK.
Result: the folder is exported as an XLIFF file. You'll be able to download the file from the notification centerwhenever the export is ready.
Importing an XLIFF file
To import a translated XLIFF file:
- Go to Authoring > Items.
- Click on the three dots next to the folder of your choice.
- Click on Import.
- Drag the translated folder to the dropzone or Browse for the folder.
Result: The translated items are imported to the folder of your choice.
- Export and import for translation purposes must be done in the same channel, as the XLIFF file also contains references to media files, metadata, etc, that are expected to be available in the same channel.
If you want to translate content for another channel, then:- Export your content to an assessmentQ package and import it in the other channel.
- Export/import the content for translation in the same channel.
- All item types are supported in the export. However, a warning will be displayed for the following item types:
- Open question if the target language is not supported in the assessmentQ player.
- Select text and crosswords with the advice to check the items.
Exporting and importing items for cross-channel sharing
As an author, you can share items from your assessmentQ channel with other assessmentQ channels. To exchange content you can:
- export a folder from your item bank to an assessmentQ package (.aqp format) to import it in another assessmentQ channel.
- import assessmentQ packs that you recieve from other assessmentQ channels in your item bank.
Exporting a folder to an assessmentQ package
To export a folder in the item bank, proceed as follows:
- Go to Authoring > Items.
- Click on the three dots next to the folder of your choice.
- Click on Export and then on assessmentQ package.
Result: Your folder will be exported in the .aqp format in the background. You'll be able to download the file from the notification centerwhenever the export is ready.
Importing an assessmentQ package
To import a .aqp package into the item bank:
- Go to Authoring > Items.
- Click on the three dots next to the folder of your choice.
- Click on Import.
- Drag the exported package to the dropzone or Browse for the package.
Result: The contents of your package will be imported in the selected folder.
- The possibility to export and import zip files has been removed from Edumatic.
- Because the extension has changed to .aqp, older zip files can no longer be imported in assessmentQ (you need to export the content again as an .aqp file.)
- Metadata are not included in the export.
Importing items from a QTI 2.1 package
QTI® (Question and Test Interoperability) is a standard format for packaging and exchanging questions and exams between different platforms. More information.
As an author, you can import QTI 2.1 packages into the assessmentQ item bank. The items will be imported into the folder you select.
Note: You need appropriate rights to have access to the QTI import functionality. To receive access, contact Televic Education via or contact your assessmentQ account manager.
- Go to Authoring > Items.
- Click on the three dots next to the folder of your choice.
- Select Import.
Result: You see the Import items pop-up. - Select QTI 2.1.
Result: You see the Import items - QTI 2.1 pop-up. - Drag the QTI package (zip format) to the dropzone or Browse to the package.
Result: You see a processing spinner while the QTI package is being uploaded. When there is a problem with the QTI package, you will see a validation message and you will return to the QTI upload screen. When the QTI upload is processed without a problem, you see an overview of the items that will be imported (under the tab New items) and the items that will not be imported (under the tab Import issues). - Click Save.
Result: The new items are imported and saved into the folder you selected.Notes:
- The imported items are saved in the default font size that is set for your assessmentQ environment (more info).
- The layout of the QTI items is mapped to assessmentQ blocks in order to match the original layout as closely as possible.
- When the QTI-defined score is not supported in assessmentQ, the default assessmentQ scoring mechanism of the item type is used.
- QTI tags that are not supported by assessmentQ are mapped to the default assessmentQ item settings of the item type.
- The QTI 2.1 import is limited to the following item types: Multiple choice, Multiple response, Multiple choice matrix, Fill gaps in text and Open question.
- The QTI import is limited to 1000 items per import.
- QTI items with multiple interactions cannot be mapped to a single assessmentQ item.
- The import of custom style attributes and stylesheets is not supported.
- Import of item metadata is not supported.
- The import of items containing MathML is not supported.
- The import of QTI items containing variable content logic is not supported.
Importing items from a PDF (beta feature)
The import from PDF is an AI-powered beta feature which allows you to import questions from a PDF document into the assessmentQ item bank.
The following item types are supported:
- Multiple choice
- Fill gaps in text
- Open question
The items that are imported in assessmentQ are automatically corrected using artificial intelligence, saving the authors time in reviewing the items:
- For multiple-choice questions, the correct answer is automatically identified (even if it was incorrectly marked in the original PDF).
- For fill gaps in text questions, the answers are automatically added to the gaps.
- As an author, you should do a manual check of the imported items to verify that the correction and score settings are correctly filled in by AI.
- We offer this import functionality as a beta feature to our assessmentQ customers. Please keep in mind that beta features might not stay available in assessmentQ in the long term.
- The PDF import is by default activated in your assessmentQ environment. If you don't have access to this import functionality, please contact your assessmentQ administrator. More information.
- Go to Authoring > Items.
- Click on the three dots next to the folder of your choice.
- Select Import.
Result: You see the Import items pop-up. - Select PDF.
Result: You see the Import items - Smart PDF import pop-up. - Drag your PDF to the dropzone or Browse to the PDF document.
Result: You see a processing spinner while the PDF is being uploaded. When there is a problem with the PDF file, you will see a validation message and you will return to the PDF upload screen. When the PDF is uploaded without a problem, you see a pop-up with a split screen. On the left, you will see a preview of your PDF. On the right, you will see the Add items screen. - Import the question of your choice:
- Select the item type in the Add items screen at the right.
Result: The item name field is added. - Enter a name for your item.
- Select the text parts for your item.
- You can use the navigate functions and the zoom function at the top right of the PDF view.
- The text areas you can select are marked by dotted borders in the PDF preview.
- You can select text all the text parts for your item in one move by holding down the mouse button and selecting all the required text parts.
- You can deselect text by clicking on the selected parts again.
- Select the item type in the Add items screen at the right.
- Repeat step 6 until you have selected the text parts for all the items you want to import.
- You cannot select the text areas surrounded by full borders (as these parts have been selected already for another item).
- You can add up to 20 items in one PDF import.
- Click Import.
Result: You see a notification while your items are in the process of being imported. When the import process is finished, the button Open folder appears in the notification. - Click Open folder.
Result: You see that the imported items are added to your folder. The items have the status Draft.
- The import is limited to PDF files. Word documents or PowerPoint files have to be converted to PDF first for import.
- The import is limited to the following item types: Multiple choice, Fill gaps in text and Open question.
- There is no automatic detection of the item types. As an author, you need to select the item types to which the questions in your document should be converted.
- The import is limited to text. Import of images, math formulas, tables, etc. is not supported.
- The imported items are not automatically approved. As an author, you need to check and approve the imported items.
Importing Multiple Choice and Multiple Response items in the item bank
You can import Multiple choice and Multiple response items from an Excel file into the assessmentQ item bank. The items will be imported in the folder you select.
Required Excel format
Example of the format the Excel file should comply with:
Column A | Item name. |
Column B | Item type. This should be "Multiple Response" or “Multiple Choice”. |
Column C | The task and options. |
Column D | Indication of correct option(s). This should be “x”. |
Column E | Feedback for correct answers. This field can be left empty. |
Column F | Feedback for incorrect answers. This field can be left empty. |
Column G | Score for correct answers. If left empty, the default item scoring will be applied. |
Column H | Score for incorrect answers. If left empty, the default item scoring will be applied. |
- The supported file encoding is UTF8.
- The following text formatting options are supported: bold, italic, underline and color.
- New line (ALT + enter) is supported.
- Import of media files and metadata is not supported. If required, the author can further edit the imported items in assessmentQ to add media files or metadata.
- The default font in assessmentQ is Open Sans.
Proceed as follows to import an Excel File:
- Go to Authoring > Items.
- Click on the three dots next to the folder of your choice.
- Click on Import.
- Drag the Excel file to the dropzone or Browse for the file.
Result: The items are imported in the selected folder. The items are imported in the order of your Excel. By default, all items are imported as drafts.
Sample Excel file
Download a sample Excel file you can use to import items.