In these release notes
assessmentQ 1.8 welcomes 2 new item types: Click on Image and Revise Text. These give you new possibilities to test your users' knowledge, and allows them to interact with assessmentQ in an original and motivating way.
Further, this release contains small improvements to the Recording item and to several economic item types.
Below, we will explain these new features one by one:
Click on image
The item type Click on Image lets your user identify areas on maps, graphs, in tables, etc by clicking them.
This item type contains several unique features, such as:
- a pixel-perfect positioning of the click zones
- negative scores for click zones users should definitely not indicate
- limiting the number of clicks
- automatic scaling of the images and its click zones depending on the screen size.
Revise Text
Revise Text is a unique item type that allows you to test your users' critical thinking skills. In a Revise Text item, they must identify, correct and (optionally) categorise errors in a text or translation.
assessmentQ contains several extra possibilities related to this item type:
- You can optionally add a source text next to the text to revise, so your users must find errors in a translation rather than a monolingual text.
- You can optionally add error categories and force your users to select the appropriate error category for each error they identify.
- The item type supports right-to-left languages
- You can define a "distance" for the user's selection, so he still gets all marks when he selects a few extra or fewer words.
- The item type can be scored automatically by assessmentQ, but graders can still overrride the automatic score in the Evaluation module.
- You can print the users' answers and correct them on paper if you prefer to work offline.
Improvements to Recording
The Recording item contains two improvements in assessmentQ 1.8:
- You can hide the Play button for the user, so he is forced to start his recording immediately without listening to the source file.
- You can define the number of attempts the user has to record the version he wants.
Improvements to economic item types
Note: The economic item types are not available to all customers. Contact your account manager if you want to use them.
The economic item types contain the following improvements in Dutch:
- Balance sheet: you can now choose the balance scheme you want to use in the item: the one for capital companies or the one for limited companies.
- Income processing: small terminology updates to comply with the latest version of the law.
- Journal: update to the latest system of accounts.