In these release notes
assessmentQ 2.4 contains the following new features and improvements:
- Dual track recording with left and right ear playback
- New permission for grader: Download recordings
- AFAS integration
- Optimisation of e-mail notifications
- No password for users signing in via SSO
- Possibility to resend the password link
Dual track recording with left and right ear playback
Recording with left and right ear playback is a unique feature in the e-assessment world.
The assessmentQ Recording item already supported dual track recording (i.e. the source and the recording were already separate tracks), but now the left-right ear playback has been added to support the use case of simultaneous interpreting.
When grading the recording of a simultaneous interpretation, graders or teachers expect to hear the source file in the left ear and the student’s interpretation in the right ear. When lowering the volume in the left ear, they can optimally listen to the student’s interpretation in the right ear, while still faintly hearing in the left ear which part of the source speech he or she is interpreting.
Note: Left-right ear playback only works for Recording items that contain a source file and that are not marked as consecutive recording.
New permission for grader: Download recordings
A new permission has been added in the assessmentQ User Management module: Download recordings.
When this permission is disabled, graders can listen to the participants' recording, but cannot download the recording.
As an administrator, you can enable or disable this permission in the Roles module.
AFAS integration
AFAS stands for Applications For Administrative Solutions. AFAS is designed to automate all administrative processes in one and the same software package from finance to HRM, document management and course management to CRM and projects.
The integration between AFAS and assessmentQ allows our customers using AFAS to schedule their assessmentQ assignments in AFAS and as such to centralise and reduce administrative work and optimise the user experience.
The participants can start an assessmentQ assignment from their AFAS portal. They are automatically authenticated in assessmentQ without having to sign in. When the participants complete their assignment, the results are sent back to AFAS.
Optimisation of e-mail notifications
In assessmentQ 2.4, the e-mail notification functionality has been enhanced:
- In the Schedules module
When you add a user or user group to a live schedule, you can now check the option Notify user via e-mail.
Result: The newly added user(s) will receive an e-mail saying that the schedule is available for them.
More information - In the User Management module
When you add a user to an existing group, you can now check the option Notify user via e-mail.
Result:- If the group is linked to a schedule, the newly added user(s) will receive an e-mail saying that they have been added to the group and inviting them to sign in to the assessmentQ portal to see the available assignments.
- If the group is not linked to a schedule, the newly added users will receive an e-mail saying that they have been added to the group.
All e-mails use the layout that you have defined in your default theme.
More information - If the group is linked to a schedule, the newly added user(s) will receive an e-mail saying that they have been added to the group and inviting them to sign in to the assessmentQ portal to see the available assignments.
No password for users signing in via SSO
When creating or importing users, there has to be a password:
- Either the administrator chooses a password for the user.
- Or the user receives an e-mail asking him to set his password.
Users accessing assessmentQ via Single Sign On (SSO) use the account information (including the password) of a third-party platform to sign in to assessmentQ via that platform. This way, they can use 1
account to access multiple platforms.
However, as long as these users have not accessed assessmentQ, their account does not exist in assessmentQ yet. To schedule an assignment for these users, their account is often created upfront in assessmentQ (manually or via import). In this case, there is no need for the administrator to choose a password for these users.
Starting from assessmentQ 2.4, customers with an SSO interface will be able to:
- choose the option No password when manually creating a user. More information
- enter "SSO" in the password field when importing users via Excel. More information
As a result, the users will be created without a password and no registration e-mail will be sent to these users.
Possibility to resend the password link
New users receive an e-mail from assessmentQ asking them to set their password. For security reasons, the link in that e-mail expires after 24 hours.
When they don't set their password in the first 24 hours, an error page is shown saying the link has expired. A Resend e-mail button has been added to this page allowing the users to resend the Set your password e-mail with a valid link.