Recording and Interpreting items can't be scored automatically, therefore the scoring mechanism of these items is always set to Manual scoring.
This implies that Recording and Interpreting items are always scored in the Grading module.
In the Grading module:
- Graders can see all the participants' recordings.
- For Recordings items and for Simultaneous Interpreting items, the grader can hear the source file in the left ear and the participant's interpretation in the right ear and control the volume of both separately.
- For consecutive interpreting recordings, the grader can see the source length, the recording length, and the difference between those two for all segments.
- If the Grader role contains the permission to download recordings, the grader can export the recording as MP3 or MP4 for archiving or reviewing purposes. You'll be able to download the file from the notification center
whenever the export is ready.
- The export of session with simultaneous interpreting recording contains two files. The first file contains the source followed by the participant's recording for each item. The second file contains for each item the source on the left track and the participant's recording on the right track. In this composed file, the participant's recording delay is kept intact. For example, if the participant only starts speaking 3 seconds after the source track started playing, this delay is also there in the composed file.
- The maximum score needs to be defined in the item bank.
- Left-right ear playback is not supported for Consecutive Interpreting items. When listening to the recording of a consecutive interpretation, both the source and the participant's interpretation are played back in both ears.