11/11/2024 Patch 2024.05.4
- Error in translation buttons
- View answers button has disappeared from the portal results page
- Active session keeps closing after specific API call
- Red error received in analysis for existing multiple choice matrix item
- Empty folder after second search in item bank
- Bulk font update doesn't make a new version
- Assignment not shown in grading when enabling grading later on
- Error in video tool used in background
04/11/2024 Patch 2024.05.3
- PDF import skips some text
- Possible error when opening an assignment because of wrong syntax in some items
- Some sessions cannot be opened in review
28/08/2024 Patch 2024.05.2
- Users cannot be added to existing schedule
- Cache issue resolves in still receiving a white screen
27/08/2024 Patch 2024.05.1
- Candidate receives white screen when opening exam
- Unable to approve revise text item
- PDF import is incomplete
26/08/2024 Release 2024.05
- New item type: Image matrix
- QTI 2.1 import
- AI-powered PDF import (beta feature)
- API expansions
- Optimisation of defining the item font size
- Extension of the AI-powered distractor generation
- Image zooming
- Re-organised item properties tab
- Showing multiple solutions in math entry
- Give warning when archiving assignment open for review
- Session history and swagger outcome are not the same
- Feedback is shown immediately after reset of question
- Font size not taken into account when copying and pasting text
- LateX is pasted higher
- Metadata column contains no values when adding the column first on higher level in tree
- Visualisation of long metadata in column not ok
- Not possible to introduce a birth date with keyboard
- Session via review URL opens at the last item
07/08/2024 Patch 2024.04.7
- Wrong id used in history of copied assignment
- Candidate is able to see all parts in adaptive assignment
- Manual order of items is not always saved in item bank
31/07/2024 Patch 2024.04.6
- Incorrect evaluation of answer in math question
24/07/2024 Patch 2024.04.5
- Changing the locale and navigating in the player when previewing session throws errors
- Unable to edit approved assignment
- Red error received when opening item with time limit in assignment when your locale is set to Dutch
10/07/2024 Patch 2024.04.4
- Insert video link inserts in the wrong place
03/07/2024 Patch 2024.04.3
- Navigating to assignments URL redirects to last opened assignment
- Wrongly created average and median for sessions created upfront
- Certain text cannot be selected to be read aloud with ReadSpeaker
- Session unlocked by editing schedule
- Not possible to search on content of a gap
- The assessmentQ logo in the accesscode pdf is not sharp
- Recalculated score per gap is displayed as manual in item overview in assignment
27/06/2024 Patch 2024.04.2
- Impossible to add user to an existing schedule
- Assignments cannot be started within eBloxHR
26/06/2024 Patch 2024.04.1
- Unable to bulk delete folders
- Sometimes the question and multiple choice options are not shown in the backoffice
- Selected date doesn't correspond with selected day in a schedule
- Cannot select specific file formats anymore in upload file question
- Some assignments cannot be started with SEB
- Cannot add errors anymore in revise text item
24/06/2024 Release 2024.04
- LTI 1.3 schedules
- Time zone and locale
- Improved access code page
- Grid view for multiple-choice questions
- Enhanced self-registration module
- The editor toolbar can be disabled for open questions to simplify the interface.
- All sessions related to schedules are created upfront. In this way, you will be able to see the sessions that haven't started yet in the Results module
- The scoring mechanism is shown in the item overview of an assignment and can be displayed in the item overview in the item bank.
- Incorrect message is shown in player when answer isn't fully correct
- Issue with order property in /v2/sessions/{id}/items
- Enter added above table when changing font size without selection
- Clicking on arrow doesn't expand metadata libraries in item development
- Case score in the case and overview can differ after version recovery
- Unclear error message in advanced report when not having permission
- CSS not ok when you need to scroll horizontal in user report
- Information pages not counted first time you include them in item development report
- Incorrect default language when you modify the assignment template settings of an assignment
- Image with extension in caps cannot be uploaded in player
- Not all items are listed in analysis when there are a lot
- Font size changes in preview when repeating info case
- Start session of archived assignment error message not translated
13/06/2024 Patch 2024.03.9
- Position cursor not correct after backspace in normal calculator
- Data in the export of the user report is in the wrong columns
- Non-editable multiselect metadata is not displayed
05/06/2024 Patch 2024.03.8
- Grading task improvements
04/06/2024 Patch 2024.03.7
- Grading task improvements
- Access codes created via LTI not shown in access code overview
- Metadata not fully shown when it contains a very long text
- Timeout error messages in backoffice
31/05/2024 Patch 2024.03.6
- Starting two sessions after each other on the same computer can result in white screen under specific conditions
- Search in popup in advanced reports does not work
- Score in backoffice differs with the score returned by API
- LaTeX line visualisation issue
- Multiple choice items are default imported with score per choice instead of score per item
- Numbering of multiple choice options is not correct in analysis
23/05/2024 Patch 2024.03.5
- Grading task improvements
- Assignments shared via group are not visible
- Seen items are labeled unseen in reporting
15/05/2024 Patch 2024.03.4
- Grading task improvements
- Reporting search query
- When navigating to the next item in asynchronous grading I still see the recording of the previous item
- Sending a message to a participant in monitoring shows that the message is sent to a lot of users but is only send to the selected participant
- Label modifications are not saved in the assignment template
- 'Not started yet' filter cannot be choosen in score report tab of user report
02/05/2024 Patch 2024.03.3
- Null changed to "" in API export
- Problem with video in case item contains video and audio file
- Answer number is not shown when navigating through the items in item analysis
- Monitoring overview not available
24/04/2024 Patch 2024.03.2
- Unable to edit item via analysis module
- Users with correct rights cannot access module
- Translation updates
- You cannot preview the old version of an item
- No coloured overview of correct and wrong answers in item analysis
- Rubrics/criteria with recalculate not ok in grading
- Style updates
16/04/2024 Patch 2024.03.1
- Unable to edit item via analysis module
- Users no longer have access to the folder they should have access to
- assessmentQ not reachable error in module content review
- Item type filter is broken in module items
- SSO user who uses direct link to an assignment, should not arrive on portal
- Some certification mails are not sent
15/04/2024 Release 2024.03
- Oral item (closed beta feature)
- Grading tasks (closed beta feature)
- Updated access codes features
- Recalculate rubric score
- Show the e-mail address of users in all user dropdowns & lists (a customer idea from the idea portal)
- Next, Previous and Finish buttons become disabled when no or slow internet is detected and the 'Navigation without internet' assignment template option is disabled
- The description of default roles has been updated
- The backoffice contains several small styling updates
- Several technical and security-related improvements
- Result in calculator disappears
- Order vertically item remains unseen after dragging elements back in original order
- Import items with numerical answers doesn't work
- API patch does full update
- Adaptive session keeps on saving when time runs out
- Results are not exported to SD Worx
- Error when calling patch user
- Error when going back and forward after filtering on group in report
- You cannot navigate anymore between candidates in reporting popup
- Incorrect ID in column assignment ID in monitoring
- Words are sometimes incorrectly split in a case
15/04/2024 Patch 2024.02.5
- Error message in tab pad for an adaptive assignment when you are author but not admin
- Correct answer is displayed wrong in drag and drop in columns but the score is the maximum
- System.NullReferenceException during GET /v2/publications/{id}/reports
02/04/2024 Patch 2024.02.4
- Manual grades not saved correctly
- The API call /v2/publications/{id}/reports returns internal server error
02/04/2024 Patch 2024.02.3
- Components not marked correctly in /v2/sessions/ID/items
- You cannot create an assignment with more than 20 parts via API
- Markers disappear in interpreting item
- Possible to place symbols outside the gap in a math entry item type
- Certificates cannot be generated
- Hour/date "modified on" doesn't change after modification of metadata
- Not possible to add score ranges and messages for end message
- Two clicks on correct image results in not correct for click on image item type
18/03/2024 Patch 2024.02.2
- Order of /v2/sessions/{id}/items is incorrect
- Not all questions were shown in a part of an adaptive assignment
- Previous grades are reset when approving new keyword in grading
- Losing internet on the portal on a schedule detail results in a "frozen state"
- Red error when adding users to a role
- Newly created users via API are added with First name Last name
- API call get_publications doesn't show Next link
13/03/2024 Patch 2024.02.1
- Canvas grading feedback is not saved
- Login expired dialog should not be closable
- Red error received when deleting an assignment
- Red error received when opening items tab of an assignment
- When you lose connection during "saving session overlay" you get errors in the player
- SSO users cannot log in anymore
11/03/2024 Release 2024.02
- Score ranges for manual scoring with a rubric
- Progress bar for grading
- Math symbol for difference in collections
- Extra scoring option in the review template
- API update
- Button labels bottom navigation in adaptive assignment are more logical
- "Finish component" button label is wrong
- Going offline on a drag and drop in columns item does not redirect you to the offline page
- "You are no longer connected to the internet pop-up" should not be close-able
- Going offline during loading "next question" results in "red box" errors
- Clicking on the "home" icon during an exam results in an endless loop in the player
- Not possible to filter on user in the scheduling module
- Detect verbs item type throws error
11/03/2024 Patch 2024.01.5
- Clearer error messages in user management
- Metadata without value disappear on your item after closing item
- Error when trying to update an assignment for which the sessions are deleted
- Canvas answer sometimes not mentioned in grading
04/03/2024 Patch 2024.01.4
- Wrong answer is validated corrected in drag and drop in columns when only using images
- Not all player languages are set in new channels
- Missing translations in self-registration screen
- Screen keeps loading after clicking popup unanswered questions in adaptive assignments
29/02/2024 Patch 2024.01.3
- Added more languages to our Readspeaker integration.
- Content sharing via group doesn't work
- A live assignment with unsupported items doesn't start
- 'More filters' doesn't work when adding items to an assignment
20/02/2024 Patch 2024.01.2
- Endless 'loading...' loop when clicking the 'print assignment' button
- Approve assignment sometimes fails
- Adaptive path not correct after resume
- Error when exiting player from canvas item
- Changing the logo of 1 SSO provider also changes the logo for the other SSO provider
- Canvas feedback is gone if you first give canvas feedback and then change the score
- /v2/publications/{id}/reports returns wrong pagination link
- In specific conditions the timer jumps back to the previously saved time
- Incorrect labels
14/02/2024 Patch 2024.01.1
- Drag and drop in columns answers disappear after navigating
- Red error with error stack shown when navigating through assignment of user in reporting
- Searching in evaluation throws errors
- Answer of drag in columns not visible in reporting
12/02/2024 Release 2024.01
- Dashboard for backoffice users
- New item type translate sentence
- Grading with criteria and rubrics
- Monitoring concurrent users
- New navigation
- Configuration of the review template
- Embedding external content in Custom and Help button
- Use of the highlighter in the interaction block of some items
- Recalculate score in Select text
- Content is not displayed after search
- Error retrieving log files via API
- Adaptive path not ok after loss of internet
- API /v2/publications/{id}/reports returns too many parts of adaptive assignments
- Incorrect field labels shown when browser in unsupported foreign language
- Export zip contains folder structure when / in assignment name
- Label changes in Assignment templates are not saved
- Original item ID not always shown
- % sign not taken into account by CAS
01/02/2024 Patch 2.15.3
- Unable to clear LTI configuration
- SSO creates a new group when it should be linking a user to an existing group
- SSO creates double groups when the group is new and the group responsible claim is also present
- Edit of an approved assignment is very slow
- Red error received in grading when using arrows for navigation
- API patch schedule problem with ReviewStop
- Audio sliders visible in pop-up
- Not possible to grant access to an item folder
- Content review assigned to you email is send every hour
- Input in wrong order in math entry item after deleting first input
- It's not possible to set a video link in the feedback
- Unable to add value to user filter in scenarios
- API get publications by tag status filter has no effect
18/01/2024 Patch 2.15.2
- Grades aren't shown in Moodle
- Blank page when adding assignment in Moodle
- Whitespaces in items
- Selected text disappears in select text item after navigating
- Error when trying to open the items of some assignments
09/01/2024 Patch 2.15.1
- Unable to start exams with access codes
- Editor bar in feedback blocks disappeared
- Created by filter doesn't work in item development and content review
- Red error received during answer navigation from score report tab of user reporting
- Unable to save changed part titles
- Scoring mechanism of Select text
03/01/2024 Release 2.15
- Advanced reporting
- New item type: Select text
- Separate SSO configurations for portal and backoffice
- Adaptive assignments with branching items
- Set default user language
- Additional email notifications
- New correction option in Math entry
- New option for the finish button in a part
- Optimisations in the player
- Optimisations in the calculator
- API update
- Bulk delete of all groups in the responsible for tab of a user triggers an error
- Video links are unavailable in feedback
- Generated nextlink is http instead of https in API
- Order of sessions not remained when going deeper in evaluation
- Assignment with sessions but no started sessions is not visible in assignment reporting
- Images are not shown correctly in printed pdf
- Superscript is incorrectly graded correct
- Export keeps downloading
- Sorting doesn't work in user management.
18/12/2023 Patch 2.14.5
- Sometimes a schedule cannot be archived
- Time limit doesn't count down while working on an item
- Item is removed when removing previously duplicated folder
- UI improvements
- Database query improvements.
- Red errors during creation of OTF assignment
21/11/2023 Patch 2.14.4
- Images not correctly shown when printing assignment with click on background items
- Metadata table doesn't refresh when adding new metadata key
- Export to excel no longer limited to 500 lines
- Open button in review mail disappears in Gmail
- Metadata disappears when reverting to previous version of item
07/11/2023 Patch 2.14.3
- Candidates are blocked when time limit on first part is expired
- Unable to delete assignments
- Importing an AQP file from another channel/environment does not include the media
- Summary print PDF of on background items is not OK
- Search term in memory in user management
24/10/2023 Patch 2.14.2
- Internet connection warning when finishing exam
- User export to Excel should contain all columns
- Changing font size of dropdowns creates weird dropdowns
- Math formula copied after changing font size
19/10/2023 Patch 2.14.1
- Export session history of assignment in monitoring keeps loading
- Search results are not remembered when navigating back via breadcrumbs
16/10/2023 Release 2.14
- Group responsibles
- assessmentQ notification center
- Account settings for e-mail notifications
- Dropdown on background
- Time zones
- Accessibility improvement for interpreting and recording items
- Bulk actions for schedules
- Optimisation of drag and drop in columns
- New option for transition in adaptive assignments
- API expansions
- Optimisation for visualisation of attachments in cases
- Item score of case not retrievable via API
- Select all checkbox doesn't work in groups
- Items aren't shown in the correct order
- Link from results to the item in the exam is jumping to the wrong item
- Red error received when using filter on session history in monitoring
28/09/2023 Patch 2.13.5
- Error when removing users
- Infinite scrolling does not work on responsible for tab in users
25/09/2023 Patch 2.13.4
- Finish session is giving red error in user reporting
- Button to set password not visible in mail
- Nothing happens when exporting folder to XLIFF
12/09/2023 Patch 2.13.3
- Red error received when removing answer in drag and drop in columns
- Feedback of the answer is never shown to the participant in the player for drag and drop in text
- Player language is not ok in preview url
- End message is barely shown in preview
05/09/2023 Patch 2.13.2
- View answers from user reports is giving red error
- Error when previewing assignments in backoffice
23/08/2023 Patch 2.13.1
- 'Results available' mail not sent for first session
- Results email is sent but results are not available
- Updating feedback of click zone results in deleted click zone
- Recalculation of scores is not migrated to assessmentQ
- Eliminated & neutralized items not displayed as elliminated or neutralized in review from the portal
21/08/2023 Release 2.13
- New portal features
- New portal settings
- New scheduling options
- Drag and drop text on background
- Fill gaps on background
- New look and feel of the assessmentQ portal
- Update in grading for simultaneous recording
- API expansions
- Banner for review mode
- Re-use of draggables in drag and drop in text
- Terminology updates
- Item score of case not retrievable via API
- Export of user report doesn't take into account the status filter
- Filter on created by doesn't work in popup window in user management
- Excel export of an archived assignment is empty
- Analysis could contain items that were not in the assignment
- Pressing delete doesn't remove the dropzone in drag and drop image on background
- Minus sign in fraction on different place is not equal in CAS
- Not all segments of a recording are downloaded
23/06/2023 Patch 2.12.7
- Drag and drop on background items cannot be previewed
- Term always empty in extended logging of the glossary
- Improved some database queries
- Added extended logging for closing of the custom button
23/06/2023 Patch 2.12.6
- Reopening a session doesn't take the navigation mode in account which can lead to errors
- With a specific set of options a candidate can return to his session after finishing
- Marking an answer as wrong stays correct in some conditions
- Search on username doesn't work in monitoring
- Bottom navigation bar sometimes disappears in the player on a Chromebook
- Session History is not always sorted chronically in monitoring
- Infinite scroll doesn't work in monitoring so not all items are loaded
- Latex formula is cut off on pdf printout
- Icons are sometimes not displayed correctly in the player
- There is no extended logging available for certain sessions
- Login expired popup no longer closable
- Improved some database queries
29/06/2023 Patch 2.12.5
- Extended logs for media are being duplicated
- Time is not correct for last session ended in user report
- When you add a folder to an assignment the items are not randomized
- Items in reporting in random order and jumping around
- Red error when using actions on comment in item bank
- Assignment report export to Excel doesn't take into account filters
23/06/2023 Patch 2.12.4
- Answer is selected upon clicking when using Readspeaker
- Results didn't arrive anymore in reporting (no data lost)
- Name column is taking the size of the biggest assignment displayed
- Unclear recordings
19/06/2023 Patch 2.12.3
- Segments are not ok in an interpretation
- A refresh in the player triggers an answer changed event in the session history
- Answers table in analysis is not showing any data anymore for multiple responses
- Time spent in export of answers doesn't correspond to what is shown in the user report
- Session detail report is not showing subtracted time that you can see in monitoring
- Session History scroll bar flips constantly when there is a lot of data
- Score of items in case are not retrieved via API
- Extra time in session detail is shown in seconds instead of h:mm:ss
- Not finished sessions can not be taken into account for calculation of average and median
- Attempt is not using the language of the user in the session detail report
14/06/2023 Patch 2.12.2
- Red error received when exporting item history of duplicated item
- Score shows too much decimals in user report
- Local temporary IP addresses are logged in the session history when having internet troubles
- Multiple "answer changed" events for 1 item are logged
- Deleting a drop zone from a drag and drop image on background does not immediately remove it from the canvas
- Lines are duplicated on move in drag and drop image on background
- When show drop zones is active in a drag and drop image on background and multiple correct answers are possible, no dots are shown next to the drop zone
- Closing popups is not logged in the extended logging when you click the OK button
- The timing filter in extended logging does not work anymore when you change another filter
- Review shows all items of an on the fly assignment in certain cases
- Divide by operator is not shown
11/06/2023 Patch 2.12.1
- Drop zones not positioned correctly in drag and drop image on background
- Session History contains a lot of double values
- Notification e-mail received when you add an item folder to a group contains incorrect link
- View answers is not working for finished session in user report
- Not possible to embed video in item
- Image as attachment doesn't open
- Removing a group/user from a published (but not live schedule) shows incorrect message in history
- Add assignment to schedule dialog has two scrollbars
- Bulk mode stays active when having a selection and going to reorder mode in the item bank
- UI improvements
- No error message when your file is too large in drag and drop image on background
- The drag zones of an drag and drop image on background are bigger after clicking solution in the player
- No info message shown in user report when more than 100 assignments
- '---' should be shown for properties that are not available for SCORM assignments
05/06/2023 Release 2.12
- New User reports module
- Crossword puzzle
- Drag and drop image on background
- Updates in the Assignment reports module
- Extended logging in the session history
- New in Monitoring: Requesting a screenshot
- Display option for the participant's username
- UI improvements
- View of a table is different in review mode
- CAS uses invisible brackets automatically
- Double search bar on certificates tab in assignment report
- Duplicating items results in error
- A second calculator appears in the player when having specific conditions
- Order of gaps in analysis should correspond with order of gaps in item
- When adding an extra choice in multiple choice, the toolbar of the editor duplicates
22/06/2023 Patch 2.11.9
- Example items are taken along when randomizing questions
- You can't search on group description when adding a group to a schedule
23/05/2023 Patch 2.11.8
- Integrations page doesn't load when having certain integrations
- You can pass SEB with a direct link
- New rights need to be added to admin role
10/05/2023 Patch 2.11.7
- Deleted sessions are still visible in reporting
- Error message not visible when importing incorrect XLIFF-file via explorer
- Timestamp of sessions is in the future
- A lot of red errors during consecutive recording
- API call /v2/publications/{id} with top can result in error
05/05/2023 Patch 2.11.6
- Efficiency of the canvas item
- When the last item seen was in the last part and you review your sessions with an itemid of the first part you get an error
- Multiple items are not included in the max score when retrieving via API
- You receive errors when clicking in review
- No button or link visible in registration email
- Unable to see score report when scrolling multiple times
04/05/2023 Patch 2.11.5
- Unable to export assignment report to excel
- Red error when using a balance in the player
- Open player from the score report and navigate to the next participant gives red error
- Resume session fails when "items in random order" option is activated
- If you are answering the first gap of a math question and your last action was an undo/redo your correct answer is evaluated wrong
- Change language on portal doesn't work correctly
- Red error received for 'delete permanently' of an archived assignment
- Randomizing questions doesn't work
20/04/2023 Patch 2.11.4
- Quick publish using access codes should not generate an access code for inactive users
- Some SCORM packages cannot be previewed
- Number of users and participants in a group don't match the number in a schedule
- Error when previewing item in assignment
- Unable to export folder data to excel with subfolders
- Insert video link button in editor does nothing
- Score per answer can only be added to a fill gaps item after refresh of the item when changing score mechanism of the item
14/04/2023 Patch 2.11.3
- Review only shows empty answers
- Items cannot be previewed
- Lots of zeros added to the percentage value in the PDF export of reports in Edumatic
- Exam closes when finishing a part
12/04/2023 Patch 2.11.2
- Score in session preview different from score given for canvas items
- The value of a metadata key added to a part in a scenario can get overwritten
- Problem with opening items in offline packages
05/04/2023 Patch 2.11.1
- UI improvements
- LTI interface issues
- Not always able to open a session in review
- Closing item review gives wrong closer name
03/04/2023 Release 2.11
- Multi-stage adaptive assignments
- New insights module with item development reports
- Automatic distractor generation with GPT-3.5
- New scrolling behaviour in the player
- Warning for unanswered questions
- Possibility to hide tooltips for math entry items
- Showing the first case item immediately when the case information page is repeated
- Optimization of the calculator
- Consistency of behaviour for entering and displaying scores
- Optimizations for content review tasks
- Maximum number of parts in an assignment
- Preloading per part
- CAS optimization
- Limit of 250 items in a review task
- Improved performance for ordering items in an assignment
- Calculate metrics based on started and finished time instead of status
- Text selections are cleared when enabling the highlighter
- Order of gaps in analysis correspond with order of gaps in item
- Source dialog can be moved out of the screen in the player
- Not possible to bulk delete all items in a folder of an on the fly assignment
- Error when deleting advanced reports in Edumatic
- Score not immediately updated after evaluating
- Items in cases aren't shown in Firefox
- Unable to create offline packages
- Too much items are selected when adding items to an assignment using a search filter
- Highlighting text does not work on iPad
- Importing SSO users via Excel in an existing group doesn't work
- User cannot return to the information page of a case when linear navigation is used
- The Flag button is not shown in the player when using free navigation within component
- SCORM results in assessmentQ reporting not correct
27/03/2023 Patch 2.10.5
- In an approved assigment it is not possible to bulk refresh multiple items with metadata
- Subitems in cases in an assignment appear in other cases after updating a case
08/03/2023 Patch 2.10.4
- Not possible to restore a previous item version
- Pop-up zoming shows the image very small
- Red error received on properties window in content review
27/02/2023 Patch 2.10.3
- Unable to quick publish folder
- Items of a case are not correctly shown in assigments
23/02/2023 Patch 2.10.2
- Inconsistencies between item versioning overview and item history
- UI improvements
- Red error received when removing math entry from content review task
- Bulk delete of access codes results in red error
- Navigation in grading is not working
- Input of search string in itembank stops after 2 characters in some cases
- Configurable button visible in review mode when not enabled
- Items of a case are visible outside the case in the part of an assignment
- The text of your interaction block can appear in dropdowns
- Enters of canvas question are gone in grading
- Supervisors cannot longer open the user details
- Annalists can't see the reports
16/02/2023 Patch 2.10.1
- UI improvements
- Red error received in player when finishing assignment with calculator open
- Filtering on session type in monitoring gives red error after some time
- Navigating away from grading results in red error
- Input in canvas item is not saved
- Analysts don't have access to analysis
- View in player gives red error after save of erased feedback on canvas item
- In Review the answer icon is not filled in while there is an answer
- Users in a role are only shown after a refresh
- Import metadata keys dialog remembers last uploaded file
13/02/2023 Release 2.10
- Content review module
- Text highlighter in the player
- Computer Algebra System for math
- Extra configurable button in the player
- Conjugate verbs in French
- Option to define the order of assignments in a schedule
- Improvements in the scientific calculator
- API expansions
- Insert new part after selected part instead of always as last
- Updating a case in an assignment
- Searching for users and groups is now linked
- Sorting icons removed in search results
- Quick delete in a canvas item
- Maximum file size for images
- Limit on bulk actions
- i-Learn reporting
- Error when nesting square brackets in math type
- Text in canvas item could jump around in grading
- Unable to drag and drop progress icon in audio
- Icon to refresh all items in an assignment isn't shown anymore
13/02/2023 Patch 2.9.7
- Printing an assignment before it's completely loaded doesn't work
- Error occurs in advanced reports
- Sometimes you receive a blank page after signing in
- Unable to delete item in Edumatic
- Error when refreshing item in assignment
- Layout issues with SVG in multiple choice choices
26/01/2023 Patch 2.9.6
- Issues with source and recording on computers with low requirements
- Some math exercises have unexplainable validation errors
- Input of search string in itembank stops after 2 characters in some cases
- Audio stops playing in item preview of a casus with time limit
- Incorrect MARs are shown
- Calculator cannot be used when zooming in
17/01/2023 Patch 2.9.5
- Select text item result in error when selecting text
- Not possible to navigate in player while application is still updating in the background
- The width of a dropdown is not always big enough
12/01/2023 Patch 2.9.4
- Unable to drag and drop progress icon in audio
- Unable to see duplicated scenario
- Highlighting does not remain on the same place in a repeated case
- Calculator bug for the power of negative digits
- Split casus keeps highlight in memory after deletion
- Red error received when clicking play in audio or video fragment while text highlighter is selected
- Search on 'Created by' in the recycle bin of the itembank gives red error
- Candidates have incorrect max scores
- Highlighted text is moving in combination with Latex formula or tables
09/01/2023 Patch 2.9.3
- When the highlighter is active you should not be able to open links
- It must not be possible to move an example item to a folder
- Visibility problems with shared assignments
- Issues with grading empty canvas answers
- No update available for updated item in assignments
- Empty canvas after refresh during being offline
- The number of candidates is not always correct in grading
- Moving blocks in an item doesn't work correctly
- Preview of item in assignment not possible anymore
- Unable to filter and sort in itembank
03/01/2023 Patch 2.9.2
- Styling improvements
- Moving items to another folder takes too long
- Bulk select and unselect of folders in assignments is not working as expected
- User with restricted access is not redirected to the itembank when clicking on the itembank icon
- List header in the backoffice disappears after scrolling far enough
- Background image in dropdown on image isn't shown.
- Errors answering a canvas question when there is no internet
- Label for example missing in glossary popup in player
- Using Readspeaker on an element with highlighter text is not ok
22/12/2022 Patch 2.9.1
- Styling improvements
- Approve an OTF assignment takes too long
- Upload of results of offline exams fails sometimes
- Assignment type icon is missing in behaviour column in monitoring
- A new item version could be created when there are no changes
- Calculator ANS was not cleared when navigating to the next item
- Finish Dialog is not always showing confirm button
- Able to update items in approved assignment without going in edit mode
- Add folder to assignment throws a red box error
- The glossary popup does not always seem to work correctly (content is not updated)
- In grading the number of answers in the header is not correct
- Adding a second glossary after editing a glossary is not possible
- In on the fly assignments items are not added to the folder when an item inside the folder is selected
- It's possible to approve an empty on the fly assignment
- Adding a modal canvas answer doesn't work
- The text highlighter button is disabled in the assignment template but activated in the player
- User search list does not show all results after removing query
- Deleting a certificate results in red error
- Error when refreshing an item in an assignment in order to see the new version number
- Search in itembank is not giving correct results
- Problem with visualisation of highlighted text in casus with split screen
19/12/2022 Release 2.9
- On the fly assignments
- New item options:
- item versioning
- item comments
- item history
- New supporting tool: inline word explanation
- Model answer for the canvas item
- Metadata with limited access
- Additional options in scenario's
- Optimisation of the scientific calculator
- Optimisation for SSO with external ID
- New icons for assignments
- Item path in the search results
- Item ID and version in an assignment
- Status change in grading
- Math entry: updated symbol for parallelism
- 0^0 should return error
- Added time zone to completion date in confirmation mail
- Marking in revise text moves one character to the left
- The input of the calculator should be cleared when navigating away from item
- Metadata not remembered when using enter
- PDF not shown correctly in case after changing options for split screen
- Calculator cannot be closed after moving completely up
- Metadata column in overview is too small
- Properties data in Edumatic not visible anymore
- You cannot paste an item in Edumatic anymore
- Not possible to change the item type when your language is set to Dutch
- Math entry: when adding extra solution the status should only change to draft in case of validation error
09/12/2022 Patch 2.8.9
- Issues when navigating to/from the assignment reports module
- assessmentQ results in white page and doesn't load (Safari)
06/12/2022 Patch 2.8.8
- Math answer must be shown without E+ when possible
- Tables are not correctly shown in dark mode
- The input of the calculator should be cleared after an error is shown
- Item not updated in activity after activating supporting tool
- You cannot search on a part of an item/folder name starting from the second search word
- The order of the items in the assignment is not the same as the order of the items in the report as in the export of the report.
10/11/2022 Patch 2.8.7
- Updates of the scientific calculator
- The scientific calculator is not working in preview of an assignment
- A file with users cannot be imported without header
09/11/2022 Patch 2.8.6
- Canvas updates
- Scientific calculator updates
- The order of items in the analysis module is different than the order of the items in the assignment
- Incorrect result when using large numbers in the scientific calculator
- No information should be given on the nature of the error in the scientific calculator
- Filter on metadata in the itembank is incorrect
- Analysis bars are incorrect when the minimumscore is a decimal
02/11/2022 Patch 2.8.5
- Scientific calculator updates
- Canvas updates
- Everything is shown in font size 14 in the itembank
- Spaces are included in the word counting
- Second accounts are created for imported SSO users who have already logged in
- Migrated math exercises don't have the correct maximum score
20/10/2022 Patch 2.8.4
- Error received when using filters on users within a group
- Math solution is not shown correctly
- Sending the certificate by mail gives an error when you are not an administrator
- Search on user or group is giving an error when the user has restricted access
18/10/2022 Patch 2.8.3
- Interpreting updates
- You can hear yourself through the source when listening to your recording
- Answers are only visible in preview, not in the itembank
- SVG files are not shown
14/10/2022 Patch 2.8.2
- Scientific calculator updates
- Vertical scrollbar is missing the the formulae window of the calculator when the calculation is too big
- You cannot select or type in scientific calculator when the item is a math item
- Not all students are visible in evaluation
- Excel export of assignment report not correct
13/10/2022 Patch 2.8.1
- Unable to use item toggle
- When you filter in the itembank on a metadata value you get too many results
- Precision of the scientific calculator is not ok
- Show loading overlay when the metadata keys are being loaded
- Clicking on a math answer in grading throws an error
- Error message when creating an assignment from a scenario
- API call PublicationItems returns folder instead of component
- Certifications mails are not send
10/10/2022 Release 2.8
- New module Scenarios
- New item type math entry
- New metadata types
- Editable item statuses
- Usage of calculator on item level
- Update of the scientific calculator
- Display case information on the left of the item
- Improved finish dialog
- Throw correct error when creating group for the second time via API
- Double backspace needed for one character in search function
- Unable to add users to a finished schedule you want to reopen
- Fraction is not correctly shown in the player
- Search field loses focus after two characters
- No direct focus in calculator after opening it
- Styling issues
21/09/2022 Patch 2.7.9
- LaTeX is not correctly displayed in drag and drop in text
- On-screen keyboard cannot be used for input fields
- Unable to delete a group
- Unable to update SSO users via import file
- Unable to open the analysis of an item via the menu in grading
- Unable to filter on tags in module access codes
- Incorrect birth date in Excel export
- Error when setting password
05/09/2022 Patch 2.7.8
- SVG files not shown in player
- Move button in canvas type doesn't work on a touch screen
- Edit background of table cell removes the whole itemblock
18/08/2022 Patch 2.7.7
- Error when logging in for the first time
- Error when using overwritten scores
- Bullets in tree are filled without any answer for canvas questions
- Search function disappeared in module offline packages
- Unable to search for assignments in analysis
- Conjugate verbs cannot be graded
- Unable to filter on metadata in the itembank
- Unanswered canvas questions keep loading after navigating away
- Item overview cannot be exported to Excel
- Unable to upload SVG files
- Students could open their exam in review
- Styling issues
06/08/2022 Patch 2.7.6
- Incorrect total score
- Images in end message are not shown
- Unable to search in assignment reports
01/08/2022 Patch 2.7.5
- Unable to change itemname
29/07/2022 Patch 2.7.4
- Unable to reload assignment template for approved assignments
- Math code is doubled in regular font with pasted LaTeX code
- Column alignment not OK in item bank
26/07/2022 Patch 2.7.3
- Player template overwritten with default values
- Search in schedules keeps loading
- Issues with entering numerical metadata
20/07/2022 Patch 2.7.2
- Unable to duplicate items in bulk
- When clicking an option in the e-mail of a campaign the redirected page has an error
19/07/2022 Patch 2.7.1
- Layout
- Search results not closed when clicking breadcrumb and clearing all filters
- As author you're unable to share assignments in bulk with a group
- Manage metadata is missing from bulk actions in the itembank root
- Error when removing a filter in folder detail
- Unable to search for users in assignment reports
- Export score report, layout PDF is not OK
18/07/2022 Release 2.7
- New module metadata
- Possibility to tag assignments
- New item type: upload file
- Conjugate verbs [beta]
- Automatic distractor generation [beta]
- Advanced search improvements
- Change email of non-SSO users
- Mac users are not able to listen multiple times to audio file
- Login/Logout in the player does not log you in/out in the backoffice and vice versa
- Filter on group in user management, navigate back to page results in error
- \texteuro not working properly in LaTeX
- Assignment theme is not saved
30/05/2022 Patch 2.6.7
- As an administrator, I can change the scopes of the LTI configuration
- As an administrator, I can copy paste LTI Launch URLs to deep-link to some parts of the assessmentQ backoffice via LTI
- Cannot delete a part of an approved assignment
- Assignments cannot be removed from schedule
23/05/2021 Patch 2.6.6
- Live assignments can be pushed to Cornerstone
- Remove scrollbar in order vertically elements
- LTI 1.3 support for profile and email OIDC scopes
- Groups cannot be added to a schedule via the checkbox
- Show title on assignment template popup
- Position close icon correctly on assignment template popup
- Correct alignment of the three dots next to each assignment in archive
- Minus sign not registered when cursor is behind input mask
- Recording attempts can dissapear when navigating to another item while the recording the current item is still loading and having slow internet
- Custom mask in fill gaps in text doesn't work
- Errors when updating users via import
- Wrong itemID in return of API call to retrieve publications
- Renew item in assignment doesn't work
17/05/2021 Patch 2.6.5
- Upload of AQR files doesn't work anymore
- You cannot close the order popup
- Some assignments show a white screen when previewing
17/05/2021 Patch 2.6.4
- Layout
- Editing items results in error
- Interaction block height doesn't change in player after adjustment
- Quick publish without review period creates a review period anyway
- Remaining time not correctly shown in monitoring
- Excel export is empty when exporting in assignment reporting
- Updating a scenario results in an error
- Error when deleting a group in user management
28/04/2021 Patch 2.6.3
- Layout
- SSO configuration shows wrong url
- SSO user import results in error
- Use of brackets in an input mask not possible
- Eliminating and neutralising items doesn't work
26/04/2022 Patch 2.6.2
- Folders not visible
25/04/2022 Patch 2.6.1
- LTI content selection
- Security improvements for setting up a LTI integration
- Full-text search shows too many results
- Upload of the same user file multiple times results in unexpected results
- Review period not set when creating access codes/publication via quick publishing
- Search function in an offline package doesn't work
19/04/2022 Release 2.6
- Full-text search in items
- Extensive support for math
- New LaTeX editing possibilities
- New scientific calculator
- Display option for the schedule time on the portal
- Monitoring the remaining session time
- Improvements to the Interpreting item
- Expanded Integrations management
- New sign-in method for users without a SSO account
- Support for LTI 1.3
- Various improvements in the assessmentQ backoffice and player
- Removed features
21/02/2022 Release 2.5
- New Access codes module
- New item type: Interpreting
- Bulk actions in user management
- New URL for Identity Server
- New options in OIDC via Azure AD
- Removed features
06/12/2021 Release 2.4
- Dual track recording with left and right ear playback
- New permission for grader: Download recordings
- AFAS integration
- Optimisation of e-mail notifications
- No password for users signing in via SSO
- Possibility to resend the password link
15/11/2021 Release 2.3
- New item type: Canvas
- New User Management module
- Economic item Journal available in assessmentQ backoffice
- Answer details available for three item types
- Improvements to the Monitoring module
- Support for webhooks
- Various improvements in the assessmentQ backoffice
- Removed Edumatic features
16/08/2021 Release 2.2
- New Schedules module
- Update scalability
- URL updates
- New Themes module
- Support for dark and high-contrast mode in the assessmentQ player
- New assignment template settings
- Support for API RestHooks
- Economic item types available in assessmentQ backoffice
- New options in the Assignments module
- Automatic start of a recording
25/05/2021 Release 2.1
- New Assignment Reports module
- New Monitoring module for live exam monitoring
- New Analysis module
- Questions overview in the player
- Self-registration with group code
- Possibility to overwrite the score of fill gaps questions
- Possibility to hide the Forgot password link
- Cornerstone integration
- End of life IE11
06/04/2021 Release 2.0
- New module Assignment Templates
- New Module Assignments
- Uploading your logo
- Defining the default review template
- Easily resetting a multiple choice question with guess correction