At the end of a (school)year, you might want to clean up the backoffice to make it ready for the next year. Cleaning up items, assignments, groups, results, and schedules,... is possible in assessmentQ in various ways.
Below we'll describe how to clean up every module and submodule in assessmentQ.
Creation module
Item bank
You can clean up the item bank by deleting items or folders from it. Deleted items end up in the recycle bin but you can always restore them.
Deleting items or folders can be done:
- in bulk via the bulk action icon.
- Select the bulk action icon
- Select the items/folders (max. 1000 items)
- Delete the selection
- individually via the three dots next to an item or folder
In the following article you'll find how to restore these items again: Restoring an item or folder from the recycle bin
You can clean up scenarios by deleting them from the overview individually.
Proceed as follows to delete a scenario from the scenarios overview:
- Open the scenarios overview
- Click on the three dots next to a scenario
- Select Delete
Result: The scenario ends up in the recycle bin, but you can always restore it from this recycle bin.
You can clean up the overview of the assignments by deleting or archiving them, depending on their status. Assignments with the status Draft, To be reviewed, reviewed or approved can be deleted. Assignments with the status Live can only be archived because results are linked to this assignment.
Proceed as follows to delete or archive an assignment from the overview:
- in bulk via the bulk action icon.
- Select the bulk action icon
- Select the assignments
- Delete or archive the selection
- Archiving live assignments:
They can only be archived if they're not part of a live schedule or have unused access codes. - Deleting not live assignments:
- Archiving live assignments:
- individually via the three dots next to an assignment
There's no recycle bin in the activities submodule. A deleted assignment is permanently deleted. Archived assignments are shown in the archive. You can always restore assignments from the archive.
Publishing module
You can clean up the overview of the schedules by deleting, finishing or archiving the schedule. Schedules with the status Draft or Published can be deleted. Schedules with the status Live can only be finished after that, they can be archived.
More info: Schedule statuses
Proceed as follows to delete, finish or archive a schedule from the overview:
- Go to the schedules overview in the publishing module.
- Click on the three dots next to the schedule you want to delete, finish or archive.
- There's no recycle bin in the schedules submodule. A deleted schedule is permanently deleted. Archived schedules are shown in the archive. You can always restore schedules from the archive.
- By default the Finished schedules aren't shown, you can see them when changing the status filter on top.
Access codes
In the access codes module, you can only delete unused codes. Used codes can never be deleted.
Deleting unused access codes can be done:
- in bulk via the bulk action icon.
- Open the access codes submodule in the publishing module.
- Select the bulk action icon .
- Select the unused codes
- Delete the selection
- individually via the three dots next to an item or folder
Tip: Use the status filter on top to only show the unused codes.
Reporting module
You can't delete results from any reporting module. What can be done to keep these overviews as clean as possible is:
- Archive assignments: you can still see the results of archived assignments after selecting the option Show archived assignments in the right top corner of the overview.
- Delete users: After deleting users in the user management module, their names will be anonymized but their results will still be shown in the reports. More info: User management
- Delete sessions: You can delete certain sessions from your reports. More info: Deleting sessions
User management
Get rid of users who don't have to use the system anymore to keep your user management clean.
More info: Deleting or reactivating a user
Get rid of unnecessary groups to keep your user management clean.
More info: Deleting a group
Get rid of unnecessary roles to keep your user management clean.
More info: Deleting a role