If activated by the administrator, you can use webcams to monitor, record or talk to your students.
Proceed as follows to monitor students via their webcams:
- In the Class view, use the Screens/Faces toggle to monitor the students' screen or the students themselves.
Proceed as follows to use webcams as a source and to record the students' webcam feeds:
- In the Class view under Sources, select Webcam
- Select:
- Play live to show the teacher's or a student's webcam feed on the students' computers - the students have no control.
- Copy live + Booth camera to show the teacher's or a student's webcam feed to the students, not giving them any control at first. Afterwards, a copy opens automatically, granting the students control over the copy.
- Record live + Booth camera to show the teacher's or a student's webcam feed to the students, while simultaneously recording their voices and webcam feed. Afterwards, the students get the recording on top of a copy of the source.
- Click Start activity to start the activity.
- Click Stop activity to stop the activity