Default location
Our system uses a LiveDrive both on student PCs and on the teacher PC. During a recording activity, recordings are stored on the LiveDrives of the students, and at the end of the exercise optionally collected to the LiveDrive of the teacher for review.
Students can easily access their LiveDrive by right-clicking the little student icon in the Windows taskbar.
Teachers can do the same, but they can also see all collected recordings in the Review screen of interpreterQ, where they have the option “Open in Explorer” to open the file location in Windows Explorer.
The actual folder location for the LiveDrive is configurable. We advise however to keep the default setting, which is a “Televic Education” subfolder under “My Documents”. This way all files are linked to the specific Windows account, and students or teachers do not access each other’s files.
Configuring a different LiveDrive location on the teacher PC
Since all recordings are being collected on the LiveDrive of the teacher PC, you might want to store those on a separate SSD drive with extended storage capacity. To do so, you can keep using the default LiveDrive path on the student PCs, and have a different setting for the teacher PC. The global setting can be modified for 1 single PC using the client configurator, located at
C:\Program Files (x86)\Televic Education\client\configurator.exe :