Install License Key
The next release of Sonus (v.2.3) will support the new Televic Education licensing system. In the License Configuration menu, a new option is added next to the current support for license files and local license server: “use authenticated license key”. This new option will become the default setting for new installations.
With this new licensing mechanism selected, the Sonus can be used in demo mode for 30 days (for the moment, no restrictions are built into this demo mode, Sonus is fully functional)
After 30 days of evaluation, entering an activation code is required. (the check on evaluation period is reasonably safe – tampering with the PC clock to continue using the application will be detected).
When the end user has received an activation code, he can install the license to unlock his application permanently or for a certain period (a license key can have an expiration date built in). During activation, the user fills in his name and copies the received activation code into the License Key field. When clicking the “Install” button the validity of the code is checked, the online Televic authentication server is contacted to check if the license key is not deactivated or expired, and if OK the username and encrypted data about the PC are stored online.
After successful activation, a local license file is created and stored on the PC hard disk. Each time the application is launched, this local license file is again validated with the online Televic authentication server. In case no internet connection is available, the application will launch normally, but another validation will be tried every 5 minutes. This way, the normal working of the application will never be disturbed by a temporary connectivity problem, but the first attempt to use an invalid or expired license with internet connection available, the license will be deleted and the application will no longer launch.
A backup scenario is foreseen in case the activation key needs to be installed while the PC does not have any internet connection. In that case, an authentication file can be saved to USB stick, which contains all necessary authentication data of this PC. This file can then be authenticated on an internet connected PC through the web browser, and the resulting authenticated license file can be loaded in the license activation menu of the Sonus ( “Load License” button on previous screenshots).
Once the Sonus has correctly been activated, the user will no longer see any licensing message or popup. All license validation checks are done invisibly in the background. However, two more options are available related to the use of the authenticated license key:
Reauthenticate license key:
This option will be very rarely used, especially in case of the Sonus. It is needed only when some of the license properties have changed. It might be possible that in the future certain advanced functionality will be subject to a license. In that case, the existing license key could be extended to support this functionality, and the “Reauthenticate” option would be needed to unlock the extra functionality. This possibility avoids the need to request a new activation key.
Uninstall license key:
By default, a license key can be activated on one PC only (although multi-license keys can be purchased too). If you have a single-PC activation code, and you want to move the Sonus application to a new PC, it is not necessary to request a new activation code for that PC. Just uninstall the license key on the old computer (after doing so Sonus will no longer launch on that PC). Then you can reuse the same license key to install Sonus on the new PC.