A translation assignment can have one of the following statuses:
- Not started: When a translation assignment has the status "Not started", no translation has been started yet for this assignment. The assignment is only visible on the portal when at least 1 translator has been assigned to it.
- Live: at least 1 translator has started working on the translation assignment. At this point you can edit fewer properties of the translation assignment.
- Archived: the translation assignment remains visible on the portal for the translator, but can easily be removed from the list of assignments in the backoffice by filtering out all archived translation assignments. The purpose of archiving an assignment is thus to clean up your list of translation assignments in the backoffice.
Filtering the list of translation assignments
By default, the module Translation assignments show all translation assignments with the status "Not started" and "Live". If you also want to see the archived translation assignments, you can use the filter in the top right corner.