The tight integration of interpreterQ with the conference hardware also allows to put all interpreter desks in a “restricted mode” for tests. In this mode the students are no longer able to use the “relay” functionality of the interpreter desks. Apart from that also the booth PCs are put in a restricted mode which ensures that students cannot access any tool or application during the activity.
To use the restricted mode for tests, proceed as follows:
- In the header bar of the Room screen, click the Restricted mode button.
- Disable the restricted mode by clicking again on the restricted mode button.
- The students are no longer able to use the "relay" functionality of the interpreter desks.
- The students are no longer able to use the booth PC for anything else but the ongoing test.
Remark: it is not possible to activate or deactivate restricted mode during an activity. Activate restricted mode prior to clicking the "Start" button, and deactivate restricted mode after the activity has finished and all recordings have been collected.