Resuming an activity
At the end of a streaming activity with recording, all student recordings are collected to the teacher machine, where a recording was also created of the streamed source. This allows you as teacher to have a class discussion during which the recordings are being evaluated. Optionally you can add text feedback for the students at certain positions of their interpretation recordings.
It is possible for the students to continue practicing individually on such a streaming activity, after it has been discussed or evaluated. The context menu in the activity review screen has a “Resume” option for this:
When you click this option, the "New activity" dialog opens which initiates a new "iQMP activity", optionally with a time limit :
After clicking the Start button the recording of each student is sent to his or her booth PC, where it is opened with interpreterQ Media Player, along with the same source speech used before. The students are now able to create new interpretation recordings of the same speech. They can see the recording created during the earlier streaming activity in iQMP as a first recording version, optionally along with the feedback you added during review. New versions can be recorded, and at the end of the exercise the students can choose which version will be collected to the teacher PC.
Continue practicing on a class activity at home
If you just want to give the students the opportunity to continue practicing on an earlier speech recording at home, you can use this same “Resume” option. As soon as the individual student recordings are sent to the student PCs and opened in iQMP, the students can click “Save as…” to store the complete interpreting exercise on a USB stick, and use iQMP at home to continue practicing on the speech interpretation.
New activity type
Apart from the "Resume" menu item mentioned above, this functionality is also available in the "New activity" dialog as a separate activity type. When selecting "This PC", there is an option "Continue working with an existing activity" :
The next step in the wizard allows you to select the earlier activity to be resumed. A dropdown box contains all passed activities still available on the teacher computer.